The activities performed over network are logged in a separate file. Glasswire is a reliable method of staying safe when connected to any network. Furthermore, the details of bandwidth assist you in staying under the provided limits and avoid breaching of usage codes. Since all your useful data is hosted on these servers and the websites are quite vulnerable to attacks by hackers, you need to keep track of activities of visitors and keep your site and its data secure from theft. If you are a web developer or maintain websites on hosts, then it is necessary to use a suitable application for monitoring of your remote servers. You can obtain daily, monthly or weekly report as per the requirement. If any unreliable source has accessed your system, then you can locate it and take necessary actions to reduce threats. The incoming and outgoing traffic can be monitored to get information about recent activities. The apps section provides the details about apps that have accessed any webpages over internet along with the bandwidth usage information. Glasswire enables you to monitor the network activities on the basis of apps and traffic. If any server is suspicious, then you can block it. You can check the credibility of each server and make sure that none of them is harmful. You can also view the hosts accessed by each app and the amount of activities performed by them over the network. The user interface shows the list of apps that were used in the current session. This information is displayed in graphical form so the users can easily understand it at a glance. Glasswire firewall tab provides the information about apps that are running in the background and the status of network usage.
There are certain vulnerabilities in all software and hackers can manipulate these vulnerabilities for accessing your system and extracting precious information. You can use it for keeping an eye on the applications that possess the permission of getting connected to internet for sharing information.

It is a free tool compatible with Windows and Android OS. It also comes equipped with a Firewall whose major purpose is to allow or deny network access to installed apps.

Glasswire is a security tool that helps you keep track of all activities carried out in your system with the help of real-time traffic monitoring.